Ordering Pet Medication Is Easy at Flowers Mill Veterinary Hospital

Medicine Capsules

We’ll always have the right pet medications to send home with you at an appointment, but you can also order pet meds online at our pet pharmacy. We've partnered with the best online companies to deliver pet medications straight to your home, saving you a trip into our office.

Buying online also saves you money on pet meds—as much as 20%.

There are many advantages to using our online pet pharmacy:

  • Convenience of home delivery
  • Fast shipping
  • Easy-to-use online order forms
  • Electronic record allow you to manage and track your pet’s medications
  • Lower cost, savings to you

Ordering online and signing up for at-home delivery is a great way to order refillable pet prescriptions that manage chronic conditions. You can set up monthly shipments for routine pet medications, eliminating the risk of running out. Automatic shipments sent to you at regular intervals ensure your pet doesn’t skip doses.

Online Pharmacy

In addition to prescription pet medications, you may also order preventive and non-prescription pet medicines, including:

  • Pet and tick medications (Frontline, Advantix, Advantage)
  • Heartworm preventives (Heartguard, Revolution)
  • Other parasite control medications
  • Nutraceuticals (glucosamine for arthritis, antioxidants compounds for cancer and other disease prevention, etc.)

Safe, Authentic Pet Medications

We work with trusted providers of FDA/EPA approved pet medications. These are authentic products recommended and approved by us and delivered to your home. These pet medications are stored properly—at the right temperatures and under the right conditions—so effectiveness is guaranteed.

Probably the most frequently purchased pet meds are those for flea and tick control. Read this informative article from WebMD Pets on flea control for more information.

"I want to thank you for the wonderful, kind care you gave my beloved Chili throughout the years. I have always known that each time we came through your doors, both Chili and I would receive the best care possible. The fabulous office staff always knew Chili and greeted us both by name and the amazing nurses never failed to give her their most gentle, yet professional attention."

— Lauren Gray

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