Keeping Senior Pets Healthy and Happy

Senior Cats

Of course we all know the average lifespan of our pets. We recognize that we will be lucky to have our pets with us for 7, 10, or 15 years. What we sometimes lose sight of is that their shorter life span (versus humans) means their aging process is accelerated. It might feel like only yesterday you brought home your pet. It’s surprising to realize that your 6 or 7-year old dog or 8-year old cat is now considered senior. But sadly, it is so!

Age Comparison Chart for Dogs and Cats

(Pet’s Real Age vs. Human Equivalent)

  • Real Age
    • 1
    • 3
    • 5
    • 8
    • 10
    • 12
    • 15
  • Small Dog:
    1-20 lbs.
    • 15 years old
    • 28 years old
    • 36 years old
    • 48 years old
    • 56 years old
    • 64 years old
    • 76 years old
  • Medium Dog:
    21-40 lbs.
    • 15 years old
    • 29 years old
    • 38 years old
    • 51 years old
    • 60 years old
    • 69 years old
    • 83 years old
  • Large Dog:
    41-90 lbs.
    • 14 years old
    • 29 years old
    • 40 years old
    • 55 years old
    • 66 years old
    • 77 years old
    • 93 years old
  • Giant Dog:
    90+ lbs.
    • 12 years old
    • 28 years old
    • 42 years old
    • 64 years old
    • 78 years old
    • 93 years old
    • 115 years old
  • Cats
    • 24 years old
    • 42 years old
    • 48 years old
    • 57 years old
    • 63 years old
    • 69 years old
    • 78 years old

Mature and Senior Pets Require Extra Attention

Just like in the case of humans, more health care issues arise as pets age. We’ll now want to see your senior pet twice a year for exams. It is likely that more blood work and labs will be run. Treating disease early, before it is in an advanced state, is always best for your pet and usually less costly. We are highly skilled in preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease, as well as pain management. Our goal is to keep your pet active, pain-free, and vital as long as possible—and with our care, the prospect for healthy senior years is very promising!

Senior pet conditions we’ll look out for include:

  • Joint problems
  • Skin diseases
  • Eye changes (cataracts, tumors, glaucoma)
  • Allergies
  • Renal and kidney problems
  • Dental and periodontal disease
  • Thyroid and adrenal issues
  • Arthritis

Arthritis and Pain Relief for Your Pet

Many dogs and cats experience arthritis as they age. We’ll work to provide pain relief for your pet, using glucosamine and other nutraceuticals for joint support. We will also prescribe NSAIDS and anti-inflammatory drugs, as needed, for pain relief.

Obesity and the Senior Pet

One of the best things you can do for your mature pet is to guard against obesity. Obesity can lead to joint pain, diabetes, cardiovascular, pancreatic, and many other problems. Many pet owners are not familiar with the markers that indicate if pets are overweight. We can help make that assessment and work with you to lower your pet’s weight. The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention offers more information on pet obesity.

"Zoe was always happy to come to Flowers Mill no matter how much poking and prodding took place. She was the world’s happiest dog‚ and brought so much joy to everyone she crossed paths with. Thank you to you and all of your staff for being so kind to us on Saturday."

— Chelsea M.

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